Problems logging in to the webstore by using Apple ID?

If you try to login to our webstore with Apple ID and receive an error message please follow these steps.

  1. Make sure that you are using the correct account type (Google account or Apple ID) to login. If you use Apple ID you cannot login with Google login method, instead select "Login with Apple".
  2. If you still get an error message logout of the Tracker app from the account menu (scroll to the bottom and select logout). Do not yet login back to the app.
  3. Open up your Apple iOS devices settings and select your name from the top (topmost selection) to access your account information.
  4. Next select "Login and protection"
  5. Scroll down and select "Login by using Apple"
  6. Scroll down and find Tracker from the list and select it.
  7. Click on the button with red text saying "Stop using Apple ID" and cofirm the selection.
  8. Open the Tracker app and login. Do not select to hide your email but instead allow the app to see your email. It's important for the webstore to be able to see your email to be able to find your account details such as devices you own and your subscriptions attached to you Apple ID account.
  9. Open the webstore from Tracker app's account menu and login now with you Apple ID.

If you still have problems logging in to the webstore, please contact our support.